Alcohol Use Disorder (Nursing)

Learning Outcome

  • Complications of alcohol use disorders can be far-reaching and can impact a patient's socioeconomic status, mental health, interpersonal relationships, employment, and physical well-being.
  • Early intervention and repeated non-malignant discussions between the patient and provider are important.
  • The patient's successes should be noted and resources for continued efforts offered at each visit.
  • Discussion regarding barriers to the patient seeking cessation or assistance should occur to find new ways to approach the alcohol use disorder (AUD) in the hope of improving successful cessation of the behaviors.


Alcohol misuse has been linked to numerous social, economic, and health problems. Estimates vary but have suggested that up to 40% of patients have experienced complications of alcohol misuse.  In the United States, 138.3 million people age 12 and older, surveyed, report that they actively use alcohol, according to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.  Of those, 48.2% report that they had binge drinking episode(s) within 30 days before taking the survey.  Of those who reported binge drinking, 26% reported heavy alcohol use, defined as binge drinking five or more days in the previous 30 days, which accounts for 12.5% of total alcohol users. This means that 5.9%, or 15.7 million people in the United States aged 12 and older, meet criteria for an alcohol use disorder (see image for criteria). More than 85,000 deaths per year can be attributed to alcohol.[1][2][3]

Nursing Diagnosis

  • Alcohol abuse
  • Poor nutrition
  • Mental health issues
  • Poor performance at work and in academics


Although the pathogenesis of alcohol use disorder is not strictly known, several factors are thought to contribute to its development. These include environmental influences, such as home environments, peer interactions, genetic factors, the level of cognitive functioning, and certain existing personality disorders. Some of the genes suspected include GABRG2 and GABRA2, COMT Val 158Met, DRD2 Taq1A, and KIAA0040.  Personality disorders associated with the development of an alcohol use disorder include disinhibition and impulsivity-type disorders, as well as depressive and socialization-related disorders.[4]

Risk Factors

According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, an estimated 20.8 million Americans age 12 and older had a substance use disorder, of which 15.7 million were alcohol use disorders.  Of those, 2.7 million had an illicit drug use disorder as well.  This number makes alcohol the leading substance abused in the United States.  Of the people with alcohol use disorder and illicit drug disorder, 623,000 of these were adolescents ages 12 to 17 (2.5% of all adolescents). Almost four million (3.8 million) individuals ages 18-25 (10.9% of young adults) and 11.3 million individuals 26 years or older (5.4%) had both an alcohol use disorder and illicit drug disorder. However, this number has been steadily declining since 2002. Almost half of the people with any substance abuse problem, including alcohol, also had a co-existing mental illness.[5][6][7]


History gathering will often reveal reported episodes of binge drinking of four or five or more drinks at a time. Use of CAGE questionnaire will reveal a score of 2 or greater (CAGE means (1) have you ever felt you should Cut down on your drinking, (2) have you ever been Annoyed by people criticizing your drinking, (3) have you ever felt Guilty about your alcohol use, or (4) have you ever needed an Eye-opener to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover). The patient may also report frequent falls, blackout spells, unsteadiness, or visual disturbances. They may report seizures if they went a few days without drinking, or tremors, confusion, emotional disturbances, and frequent job changes. They may also report social issues, such as job termination, separation/divorce, estrangement from family, of loss of their home. They may also report sleep disturbances.

The patient may have hypertension (HTN) or insomnia initially. In later stages, the patient may complain of nausea/vomiting, hematemesis, abdominal distension, epigastric pain, weight loss, jaundice, or other symptoms or signs suggestive of liver dysfunction. They may be asymptomatic early on.

On exam, they may exhibit signs of cerebellar dysfunction, such as ataxia or difficulty with fine motor skills. They may exhibit slurred speech, tachycardia, memory impairment, nystagmus, disinhibited behavior, or hypotension. They may present with tremors, confusion/mental status changes, asterixis, ruddy palms, jaundice, ascites, or other signs of advanced liver disease. There may also be spider angiomata, hepatomegaly/splenomegaly (early; liver becomes cirrhotic and shrunken in advanced disease). They may develop bleeding disorders, anemia, gastritis/ulcers, or pancreatitis as complications of the alcohol use. Labs will reveal anemia, thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy, hyponatremia, hyperammonemia, elevated ammonia levels, or decreased B12/folate levels as the advanced liver disease develops.


Evaluation should include questions about alcohol use, specifically how often and how much. A CAGE questionnaire as described above should be used, as well as the screening questions for alcohol use disorder that are displayed in the image below. The practitioner should elicit a family history regarding alcohol and other substance use disorders, as well as a family and personal history of any psychiatric disorders. The patient should be screened for any medical or behavioral complications of alcohol abuse, such as macrocytic anemia, elevated liver enzymes, coagulopathies, pancreatitis, frequent falls, job loss, relationship issues, or aberrant behaviors such as risky sexual behavior or impulsiveness.[8][9]

Medical Management

Some treatment foci that have demonstrated promise include evidence-based motivational interviewing. This particular approach helps the patients explore the reasons behind their ambivalence with respect to changing their behavior or alcohol cessation to change their substance abuse-related behaviors with a personalized assessment of risks and needs. Other therapies include cognitive behavior therapy, 24-hour residential facilities that aim to treat medical as well as psychiatric complications or comorbidities associated with the alcohol use and process of cessation. There are also multiple programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or other 12-step programs that focus on group support/mentors that can provide a source of assistance with the maintenance of abstinence. Many patients have lapses during their lifetime and will require initiation of differing intensities of therapy throughout their lifetime.[10][11]

Nursing Management

  • Screen patients using the AUDIT tool
  • Educate patients about harms of alcohol
  • Encourage AA
  • Refer patients to a mental health counselor

When To Seek Help

  • Sudden mood changes
  • Unresponsive
  • Confused, aggressive
  • Unstable vital signs

Outcome Identification

  • Abstains from alcohol
  • Eating a healthy diet


  • Observe mood
  • Check vital signs
  • Monitor ins and outs
  • Assess mental status

Coordination of Care

Alcohol abuse disorder is very common in the US. Unfortunately, most people never come to medical attention until they have a medical problem or get involved with the legal system. The repercussions of alcoholism go way beyond just addiction; the disorder can create havoc in the lives of the family, friends and lead to difficulties in interpersonal and professional relationships. Alcoholics never seek help on their own. All healthcare workers have a responsibility to watch out for alcoholics and make appropriate referrals. The prognosis for most alcoholics is guarded; with less than 20-30% discontinuing drinking. Unfortunately, in many instances some of the organ damage is often irreversible. The key is to educate the patient and the family about the destruction that alcohol can cause. Referral to alcoholics anonymous is recommended, but data indicate that compliance is often low. [1][8](Level V)

Health Teaching and Health Promotion

Eat a healthy diet and include fruits and vegetables

Attend AA

Follow up with a mental health counselor

Discharge Planning

Healthy diet

Attend AA

Follow up with a clinician

Seek help

Pearls and Other issues

Complications of alcohol use disorders can be far-reaching and can impact a patient's socioeconomic status, mental health, interpersonal relationships, employment, and physical well-being.

Early intervention and repeated non-malignant discussions between the patient and provider are important.

The patient's successes should be noted and resources for continued efforts offered at each visit.

Discussion regarding barriers to the patient seeking cessation or assistance should occur to find new ways to approach the alcohol use disorder (AUD) in the hope of improving successful cessation of the behaviors.

(Click Image to Enlarge)
DSM 5 Criteria for Alcohol Use Disorder
DSM 5 Criteria for Alcohol Use Disorder
Contributed by Sara M Nehring

Nurse Editor

Chaddie Doerr


8/8/2023 7:09:56 PM



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